Hey Duggee
Hey Duggee is a TV show on ABC Kids. Hey Duggee is a British animated educational cartoon series created by British animation director and designer Grant Orchard (A Morning Stroll, Lovesport) and narrated by English actor and comedian Alexander Armstrong (Pointless, Danger Mouse). The show is aimed at pre-schoolers and focuses on the Squirrel Club, a club for children where they participate in all kinds adventures and activities to earn badges for their accomplishments. Generally, each episode features the squirrels completing a challenge and earning a new badge as a result. Hey Duggee features an array of talented voice actors besides narrator Alexander Armstrong. The voice of Duggee the big friendly brown dog himself is provided by British director and actor Sander Jones (A Morning Stroll, Hey Duggee: The Omelette Badge), while the cast also includes the likes of British actress Jasmine Bartholomew (Rapunzel, Hey Duggee: The Omelette Badge) as the chatty octopus Betty, and English actress Poppie Boyes (The Loss Adjuster, Darlings of Sin) as the friendly mouse Norrie. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 141 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in July 2024.
Betty and Sargent Ant just want perfection, but no one seems to be listening to their shouting! They need a lesson in diplomacy to learn how to speak in a more sensitive way.
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