Tony Robinson's History Of Britain

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Tony Robinson's History Of Britain

Tony Robinson takes us back 200 years to Georgian times, a period as nasty and cruel as any in history. Tony meets Jack Rann, a poor peddler in the luxurious tourist hub of Bath, who wangled a job as a coach driver. Georgians carried their money with them, and Jack couldn’t beli...

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Season 1
Tony travels back to the 1800s, to Victorian times. In London’s East End, Tony encounters thirteen-year-old Sarah Chapman, a ‘Match Girl’, who worked fourteen-hour shifts, six days a week in the ‘Bryant & May’ factory. But the worst thing was constant exposure to the chemical phosphorous.
Tony Robinson takes a bottom-up view of the history of Britain by exploring the everyday lives of ordinary people. In this episode, Tony takes us back 500 years, to life under Tudor king, Henry VIII. Tudor towns were evil-smelling places, but amongst the smelliest homes would have been that of the local ‘knacker’. Tony int...