Fake Or Fortune?Season 10, Episode 1 - Nicholson

  • Season 10Episode 1
  • Playback time1:00:00

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Fake Or Fortune?

Fake Or Fortune? is a TV show on ABC. Fake or Fortune? is a British TV series about the provenance and attribution of notable artworks from all over the world. It was created by the well-known English art dealer and art historian Philip Mould, by whose book Sleuth the show was inspired, and producer Simon Shaw. Mould himself presents the program and is joined by British journalist, news reader, and television presenter Fiona Bruce. The research of the works and the accompanying forensic analysis are carried out by various fine arts specialists throughout the series. Since Fake or Fortune? aired on BBC One for the first time in 2011, the show has drawn audiences in excess of five million viewers, giving it the highest viewership for a arts show in the United Kingdom. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 4 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in February 2024.