Science Max! Experiments At Large

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Science Max! Experiments At Large

Diet cola and mints! A fun experiment that's even more awesome when maxxed out. Air pressure bubbles through this episode, including marshmallows in a vacuum chamber, pulling an egg into a flask and carbonating pickle juice!

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Season 3
Air is a fluid, just like water. That means you can surf it if you make a tumblewing. Phil explores lots of different methods of flight all while maxxing out the tumblewing.
Building a boat that propels itself with the spring tension of a mousetrap is just the start. How about a long line of rat traps? Propulsion and inertia are powering this episode as Phil explores how to make things go.
Who'd have thought something as simple as a wooden ramp could teach so much about science? Of course, it's helpful when it's 2 stories tall. Explore friction with frogs, rice, one detective and two books stuck together!
Phil tries to max-out a boat that propels itself using just water and gravity. We pour over water specifically and fluids in general. Heavy air, fluid sand, Archimedes and the metric system; this overflows with science!
How do you max out an egg drop? With pumpkins, of course! Material science is the focus of this episode: nitinol, ulexite, carbon nanotubes, hagfish slime, aerogel and a great deal of squashed pumpkins.