Leo's Pollinators

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Leo's Pollinators

Chloe and Housten head over Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls to spend the day with the Egyptian Fruit Bats to help with their colony and learn more about these superhero pollinators.

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Season 1
The PollinHeads are meeting up Vicky from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to help with an amazing program that tags and tracks the Monarchs, so we can keep a better eye on their population.
The PollinHeads head over to Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary to help care for the lemurs and get to the bottom of why the largest pollinators are at risk of extinction.
Chloe and Housten head into the wetlands with Laura Timms from the Credit Valley Conservation to check up on the skipper butterflies and the overall health of the ecosystem at Alton Grange.
The ever-feared wasp is the subject of today's mission! Housten and Chloe are putting on their brave pants and are headed to Ottawa to meet up with scientist and wasp specialist Dr Rob Longair.
Is it a bird...?? Nope! It's the Hummingbird Moth! A day-time moth that, like the Hummingbird it resembles, is a very important pollinator.
Ants - pests or a misunderstood pollinator pal? Leo and The PollinHeads are going to find out! They're helping expert Aaron Fairweather collect samples to take a closer look at what the ants are up to.
Tonight, Chloe and Housten work into the night at Rouge National Urban Park, alongside Aaron from the University of Guelph, to discover the science behind the magic of our firefly friends!