The Strange Chores

The Strange Chores is a TV show on ABC Me. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 31 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in July 2024.
Last broadcast:29/07/2024 at 08:06
Last episode

The Strange Chores
When Charlie tries to infiltrate a cool gang of cockroaches, he is seduced by their carefree 'no rules' lifestyle.
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The kids help Helsing's skeleton cousin with his comedy routine, but when does joking around go too far?

Tasked with collecting a Dragon's tooth for the Tooth Fairy, Pierce realises some aspects of childhood are worth holding onto.

When a wish turns the manga obsessed Charlie into a real-life anime hero, Pierce and Que fear they may lose their friend forever.

Creating some Clones to help with his long list of commitments, Pierce must confront his weakness for people-pleasing, and learn how to set some boundaries.

When Dracula throws the party of the millennium, Charlie struggles to accept that he's not invited.
Season 2

When Helsing's past failures are exposed, the gang travel back through time to help him succeed. But Young Helsing is a lot different than they expected...
Season 3

When Pierce is tasked with nursing an injured salamander, he discovers that sometimes the best form of care is letting go.
Season 2

Desperate for academic success, Pierce steals an evil mask from Helsing and uses it as his art project. Only trouble is, it makes everyone zombies!

A competition with Goblins to see who owns Helsing's House is settled on the Grassketball court as The Gang coaches a team of garden gnomes!

With a magic wand Charlie abandons his body to become a ghost like Que! But now the wand's lazy wizard owner wants his property back!

Bad Tony keeps humiliating kids at school, so Charlie plans his revenge - having Frank the Monster toss Tony into The Sun! What could go wrong?

When Wolfman appears as Charlie's new substitute teacher, school is suddenly a lot more fun. But Charlie has a feeling he's hiding his true intentions.
Season 3

Entertaining the antisocial Prince of the Underworld proves challenging for Que when she begins to fear he could replace her role in the team.
Season 2

For Charlie to defeat a monster that feeds on embarrassment, he must humiliate himself in the school play by starring as the Rat Prince.

Charlie's stuck walking Wolfman instead of going to a party. He irresponsibly ditches Wolfman, but a little scratch on his neck could spell disaster.

Pierce invites Helsing's long lost best friend over for dinner. But when he's revealed to have become a vampire, Pierce struggles to hide the truth.

Haunted by the memory of his recently departed pet, Pierce suspects it may be responsible for ghostly activity in the walls of Helsing's house.

Charlie takes a three-headed monster dog to school for pet day, but his unwillingness to enforce the rules sees it grow bigger and more dangerous.

When Que's ghostly face goes viral, Charlie is ready to cash in on her fame. But Pierce fears what all this exposure could lead to.