National Press Club Address

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National Press Club Address

Professor Martine Maron and Professor Jamie Pittock address the National Press Club on the Launch of Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists Landmark Report 'Blueprint to Repair Australia's Landscapes'.

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Season 2024
Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy addresses the National Press Club on the topic 'Australia's energy choice in the critical decade'.
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and AUSTRAC CEO Brendan Thomas address the National Press Club on the "Release of Australia's Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing National Risk Assessments".
Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher, Australian Human Rights Commission President, addresses the National Press Club of Australia on the topic "Free + Equal: Safeguarding the rights of all Australians".
Prof. David Thomas, Chief Science and Strategy Officer of Omico and Director - Centre for Molecular Oncology at UNSW, addresses the Press Club on the topic 'Cancer: the modern plague'.
Professor Michael Wesley, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, and Dr Abul Rizvi, Independent Australia Columnist, address the Press Club on the topic "Is Australia's great multicultural experiment over?".
Wally Lewis, rugby league legend and Dementia Australia Ambassador, talks about his experiences of living with probable chronic traumatic encephalopathy and his hopes for what federal funding could achieve for the community.
Michael Miller, Executive Chairman of News Corp Australasia, addresses the National Press Club of Australia on the topic "Australia and Global Tech: time for a reset".
Matt Noffs, CEO of the Ted Noffs Foundation and John Mendoza, Co-Director of Connetica Pty Ltd, address the National Press Club of Australia on "The Fight of the Future".
Dr Christos Christou, Medecins Sans Frontieres International President, addresses the National Press Club of Australia on the topic "The state of humanitarianism today".
Lieutenant General Stephen D. Sklenka, Deputy Commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, addresses the National Press Club on the topic "Forging a Relationship Together in The Indo-Pacific".
Angus Taylor, Shadow Treasurer of Australia, delivers the Post Budget Reply address to the National Press Club.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivers the traditional Post Budget Address to the Press Club, followed by questions from the media. This Address will take place in the Great Hall at Parliament House.
Saul Eslake, Independent Economist and Colin Barnett, Former Premier of Western Australia, address the National Press Club on the topic "The GST Debacle".
Dr Angela Jackson, Besa Deda and Dr Aruna Sathanapally address the Press Club for the Women in Economics Network Pre-Budget Address.
Reece Kershaw, Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police and Mike Burgess, ASIO Director-General, address the National Press Club of Australia.
Richard Fontaine and Beth Sanner speak on the topics "Beyond Taiwan: Are There Other Crocodiles Closer to the Boat?" and "The United States in the Indo-Pacific: Pivoting or Pretending".
Greg Combet, Chair of the Net Zero Economy Authority, addresses the National Press Club on the topic 'Australia's path to net zero emissions and the role of the Net Zero Economy Authority'.
Amy Pope, Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) addresses the National Press Club of Australia on "Unleashing the potential of migrants - Australia and the global competition for talent".
Mary Wooldridge, Chief Executive Officer of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), addresses the National Press Club on the topic "Accelerating gender equality in Australian workplaces".