Doctor Who

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Doctor Who

Harry Saxon becomes Prime Minister, and his reign of terror begins. This is only the start of his ambitions, however, as he announces humankind's first contact with an alien race, the Toclafane.

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Season 3
As Captain Jack storms back into the Doctor's life, the Tardis is thrown out of control, to a distant planet at the end of the universe, where an old professor will do anything he can to keep his people alive.
In an old, abandoned house, the Weeping Angels wait. However, when people start disappearing, a young woman called Sally Sparrow finds cryptic messages bleeding through from 1969, from a man calling himself the Doctor.
It is 1913 in England and war has come a year in advance as the terrifying Family of Blood hunt for the Doctor. Meanwhile, a reluctant John Smith refuses to accept his destiny as a Time Lord.
It's 1913 in England, and schoolteacher John Smith dreams of time, space and a blue box. But when lights in the sky herald something terrible, Smith's maid has to convince him that he can save the world.
In a distant galaxy, a spaceship hurtles out of control towards a boiling sun with the Doctor and Martha trapped on board. They have only 42 minutes to uncover the saboteurs.
Martha discovers her family is caught up in the scheming of Professor Lazarus and his Genetic Manipulation Device. It becomes a fight for survival as human DNA twists into monstrous form.
Dalek Sec is reborn in human form and plans to build a Dalek empire in 1930s New York. While Martha fights for her life, the Doctor must enter into an alliance in order to change Dalek history forever.
The TARDIS lands in 1930s New York. In the midst of the Depression, people are disappearing off the streets. The Doctor's oldest enemies are at work preparing their most audacious plan yet.
The Doctor takes Martha to New Earth, where she is kidnapped by two carjackers and taken to an underground Motorway, where the remainder of humanity on the planet live in perpetual gridlock.
For Martha's first trip in the Tardis, the Doctor takes her back in time to Elizabethan England, where they find William Shakespeare under the control of deadly witch-like creatures.
For Martha Jones, a medical student in Central London, an ordinary day turns into a nightmare when her entire hospital is transported to the Moon.
No sooner has the Doctor said farewell to Rose Tyler than he finds himself face-to-face with a woman dressed in a wedding frock. Who is she? And how did she get on board the Tardis?
Season 2
Humanity is caught in the crossfire as the Cybermen and the Daleks wage war against each other; and in saving the world the Doctor could lose Rose Tyler forever. (Final)
Ghostly beings have been regularly appearing across the world and people, believing them to be their dead loved ones, are welcoming their visits with open arms.
In London for the 2012 Olympic Games, Rose and The Doctor find children are disappearing, car engines are failing for no apparent reason, and a lonely young girl has been taken over by a very lonely alien.
An ordinary man obsessed with The Doctor joins a group of like-minded citizens in hopes of meeting the Time Lord in person. However, one of their members has a sinister motive.
Rose battles the murderous Ood; as the planet threatens to fall into the Black Hole, the Doctor must make the ultimate sacrifice - but can he save the universe from the Beast?
Trapped with an Earth expedition, the mysterious Ood and in the orbit of a Black Hole, the time travellers face an even greater danger from something ancient beneath the planet's surface.
It is 1953 London and the people of Britain gather around their newfangled 'tele-vision' sets to celebrate the new Queen's coronation - but something strange is affecting the signal.