Elementary is a TV show on Network 10. Elementary is an American police drama series created for television by the American producer and writer Robert Doherty (Star Trek: Voyager, Medium). The show presents a contemporary update of the famous character created by British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes. The story follows Sherlock, a former consultant to Scotland Yard and recovering drug addict, as he starts working with New York City Police Department. The protagonist's character is played by English actor Jonny Lee Miller, who gained early fame as Simon “Sick Boy” Williamson in the acclaimed dark comedy drama movie Trainspotting. His loyal sidekick Dr. Watson in Elementary is portrayed by Taiwanese-American actress Lucy Liu (Ally McBeal, Charlie's Angels, Kill Bill), while Irish-American actor Aidan Quinn (Legends of the Fall, Avalon) takes up the role of Captain Thomas Gregson of the New York City Police Department's 11th Precinct.
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