Harrow is a TV show on ABC. Harrow is an Australian drama series written for television and produced by Australian production company Hoodlum Entertainment (Secrets & Lies, The Strange Calls) and American television production company ABC Studios International (The Golden Girls, Reef Break). The series revolves around Dr. Daniel Harrow, a forensic pathologist who has serious problems with authority. His deep empathy for the dead helps him solve even the most bizarre cases as he does everything within his power to give victims a voice and reveal the truth behind their deaths. The protagonist role of Dr. Daniel Harrow is played by Welsh actor Ioan Gruffudd (Titanic, Hornblower), who is supported by a talented cast. This includes Australian actress and screenwriter Mirrah Foulkes (Animal Kingdom, Sleeping Beauty) as Sergeant Soroya Dass from the Queensland Police, Australian actor Remy Hii (Better Man, Neighbours) as Harrow's assistant and protégé Simon van Reyk, and Australian actress Anna Lise Phillips (McLeod's Daughters, The Secret Life of Us) as Harrow's ex-wife Stephanie Tolson.
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