Line Of Duty
Line Of Duty is a TV show on ABC. Line of Duty is a British police drama television series created by writer and director Jed Mercurio, and starring Martin Compston (Ken Loach's Sweet Sixteen, Monarch of the Glen) as Detective Sergeant Steve Arnott and Vicky McClure (This Is England, Broadchurch) as Detective Sergeant Kate Fleming. The story revolves around Arnott, who is being transferred to the anti-corruption unit after the shooting death of an innocent man. Line of Duty was included in both the Top 50 BBC Two shows of all-time and the 80 best BBC Shows of all time. The show has won numerous awards over the years, including four Royal Television Society Awards, a Celtic Media Festival award in the category Best Drama Series, and a Broadcasting Press Guild Award for Best Actress (won by Keeley Hawes).
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