Manhunt is a TV show on Seven. Manhunt is a British crime drama series created for television by British production studio Buffalo Pictures (Doc Martin, Islands of Australia) for British free-to-air TV channel ITV. Each season of the series is based on a real-life murder investigation, but in a dramatized series format. Season one, for example, focuses on the arrest of English serial killer Levi Bellfield as he is found out as the person responsible for, among many other crimes, the death of French student Amélie Delagrange. Manhunt features acclaimed British actor and director Martin Clunes OBE (Doc Martin, Men Behaving Badly) as the series protagonist Detective Chief Inspector Colin Sutton. Clunes is also the founder and owner of Buffalo Pictures, together with his wife Philippa Braithwaite. He is joined in the cast by, among others, English actress Claudie Blakley (Lark Rise to Candleford, Cranford) as Colin’s wife Louise and English actor Stephen Wight (Dealer’s Choice, I May Destroy You) as Detective Constable Clive Grace.
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